Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bill O'Reilly And Fox News Incited Murder 6-1-09

Bill O'Reilly and his Fellow Fox News have incited the Murder Of Dr. Tiller who was gunned down by a Psychotic Pro-Lifer in Kansas. O'Reilly has ranted about the victim for years and right up until last week he continued his hateful speech. Fox has responsibility in this case. BY calling the victim a murderer and "Tiller The Baby Killer" (His words not mine), on a national TV show day in and day out, O'Reilly is culpable. Boycott Fox News. Don't watch. Call their sponsors. Due what ever it takes to remove them and get them Of The Air. Enough Is Enough. It's not funny anymore Billo. You Need To Go. Permanently.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cheney Ordered Torture For War 5-15-09

The truth is finally leaking out. Dick Cheney ordered Torture of Iraqi's to attempt to have a link to 911. This go's beyond the pale. Cheney is Guilty of War Crimes and the Mass Murder of Thousands of Iraqi civilians. He used the USA to commit War Crimes. The entire Bush Administration needs to be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. It is looking like the Obama Administration is not going to obey the law. We can only hope that a World Court can be brought together and put these people on trial. Mr. Holder it's in your hands right now. The evidence is there. Now Do Your JOB.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A.G. Holder: Investigate Torture

moveon.org/investigate The people who authorized Bush's torture program shouldn't get off scot-free. It's time for Attorney General Holder to appoint an independent special prosecutor

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pat Buchanan Wants U.S. Snipers Killing People Crossing Boarder 3-26-09

On Hardball today Pat Buchanan tells Chris that he wants US Snipers killing people crossing the boarder. Pat says have snipers shooting the Coyotes that are killing people and raping people. Problem with this idea is How do you determine who is the Bad Guy and who is the Good Guy. There is no way to tell. Which makes this idea so Wrong.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Palin Punked By Radio Show 11-1-08

Today, Sarah Palin showed how stupid she was by taking a call from who she thought was the French President, and turns out to really be a Canadian Radio Show pretending to be the President. It's how she spoke to this caller that is so so troubling. You don't want this woman in the White House people. Use your head. Vote Obama.

Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Pushed Hoax Attack To Media

A McCain worker made a report yesterday that she was mugged by a black male and he carved a B on her face and sexually assaulted her. Well, the McCain Campaign and all of the right wing media pushed the story to the Main Stream Press who were very skeptical. With good reason, It was All A HOAX!!! That's right she Lied. Made up the entire story. Now the right wing are trying to burry it.