Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Pushed Hoax Attack To Media

A McCain worker made a report yesterday that she was mugged by a black male and he carved a B on her face and sexually assaulted her. Well, the McCain Campaign and all of the right wing media pushed the story to the Main Stream Press who were very skeptical. With good reason, It was All A HOAX!!! That's right she Lied. Made up the entire story. Now the right wing are trying to burry it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

McCain Camp Reignites The Hate And Smear Campaign

Oct. 11th 2008, After McCain said Friday 10-10-08 Barack Obama Was a Good Man and a Family Man after a week of inciting a mob mentality at his and Palin's Rally's, His campaign on Saturday 10-11-08 reignites the hate speech that got McCain in all the trouble. McCain's people calling out "Kill Him" "Hang Him" "Terrorist", and going as far as attacking a black Camera Man from the Media at a rally. McCain and Palin have taken politics back 50 years. The time of Assassinations, Murder and all the ugliness that go's with it. They have destroyed all of the work that MLK, JFK. RFK and every leader has fought so hard to overcome. There is only 2 people to blame for this. John McCain and Sarah Palin. This is nothing less than a Disgrace. Immoral, and if, God forbid, anything happens, We the people need to hold John McCain and Sarah Palin and the entire Republican Party Responsible. Legally and Morally. Don't let them get away with this. Please, Stand up and Tell The GOP, NO MORE!!!! Vote For Obama. Show the GOP that Fear and Lie's Don't Work Anymore!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

McCain To Cut Social Security and Medicare 10-8-08

John McCain wants to cut Social Security and Medicare if elected to President.

McCain's Real Terrorist Tie's 10-8-08

McCain has a real problem. He has a Real Domestic Terrorist on his Campaign.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Special Comment - Palin's Terrorist Tie's 10-6-08

Keith Points Out McPalin wants to play with the Big Boys. Well she has her own Major Problems. Here They Are.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Countdown: Palin Reality Imitates Art

Keith compares the real palin to Tina Fey SNL. Can you tell the difference.

Palin Worse Than Quayle 10-1-08

Keith compares the real palin to Tina Fey SNL. Can you tell the difference.