Keith lets Obama Know all about the FISA bill and how he can nail the Bushies to the wall.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Countdown: Special Comment Obama FISA Bill Pt. 2 of 2
Countdown: Special Comment Obama FISA Bill Pt. 1 of 2
Keith lets Obama Know all about the FISA bill and how he can nail the Bushies to the wall.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Obama Hillary Unity Speech Part 6-27-08 Part 1 of 4
Obama and Hillary Clinton give a fantastic Unity speech today in Unity N.H.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Houston, We've Got A Problem
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Countdown: Tribute To Tim Russert 6-18-08
Keith give's the final Tribute to Tim Russert and shows scenes from the Memorial Service.
Countdown Special Report: McCain's Tie's To High Gas Prices
Keith Investigates the price of oil and uncovers the reason for high oil and gas prices. The Enron Loophole. The Enron Loophole is just as it states, it's a loophole in the law that lets traders manipulate oil and gas prices. However, every attempt to close this loophole has been blocked by Joh McCain and his K Street buddies. That's right lobbyists and the McCain campaign has blocked the close of this loophole.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Countdown: McBush Oil Flip Flop Company 6-17-08
The McBush brothers are at it again. McCain first says No Drilling off our coast and Now wants to drill off the coast. McCain claim's he's not like bush, then McCain backs bush's drilling plan. I can tell you this, I live in Florida, and Charlie Crist said during his election campaign, he would never approve oil drilling on Florida's coast. Now he flip flops with the McBush Brothers and now wants to drill off our coast. It Will Never Happen. The State Of Fl. Residents Will Retaliate and have his happy phony retarded ass thrown out of office. before they ever drill off our coast and pollute our waters like they did in New Orleans.
Countdown: McCain Disaster and Rep. Issa Worst Person
McCain Is Just like Bush when it comes to helping Americans in disasters. For Katrina, McCain was having his birthday cake with Brownie and Bush in Washington. Also Worst Person. Rep. Darrell Issa of Ca. The biggest Piece of Crap eating scum buckett, rat kissing bastard in the world. Using Tim Russert's name in trying to get oil drilling off our coast. How dare you, you son of a bitch bastard.