Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Death Of Truth In Journalism, Tim Russert

As the news broke on Friday the 13th around 3:00 pm, the Country lost the last great hope in journalistic truth. Tim Russert, the man who kept the politicians honest was gone. America's last great defense against lie's and deceit was now called home. The lovable teddy bear looking man who had coffee with us every Sunday morning and set the weeks political questions and answers into motion, has left us wanting more. This man's political insight was remarkable. Everyone knew, when Russert says it, It must be true. He called Barack Obama the Democratic Nominee weeks before the end of the primary process. He received allot of flack by the opposition, but that same opposition didn't complain back in 1992 when he did the same thing and they cheered him. Of course. Tim had the tape to prove it. He was after all the official record keeper of political history. So now what do we do? We wipe our tears, Hug our loved one's and try to see how short life is. However, down deep inside we all know that there will be no one who can fill Tim's shoe's. I know some will try, but no one will be the type of journalist that Tim was. In that aspect, True Journalism died June 13, 2008. Tim we will all miss you.

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